Comprehensive analysis on Semantic release with Turborepo

Vinayak Hegde
5 min readSep 5, 2024


Why the Analysis Was Carried Out

The objective of this analysis is to examine the suitability of semantic-release for monorepos, especially those managed by Turborepo, a popular tool for efficiently handling multiple packages in a single repository. Monorepos often require independent versioning and publishing of each package, a feature not natively supported by semantic-release, which assumes a one-to-one relationship between a repository and a package.

This analysis aims to identify key limitations such as git tag conflicts, the lack of independent versioning for multiple packages, and dependency management issues that arise when using semantic-release in monorepos. Additionally, it aims to shed light on the long-standing issues surrounding this usage scenario, notably the unresolved issue #193 raised in 2016, and discuss alternative approaches to managing monorepo releases effectively.

Introduction to Semantic Release

Semantic-release is a powerful tool designed to automate software release processes based on semantic versioning. It analyses commit messages that follow Conventional Commits and determines whether changes are major, minor, or patches. Using this information, semantic-release automatically updates version numbers, generates changelogs, and publishes releases without manual intervention.

In repositories containing a single package, semantic-release simplifies the release process by automating all tasks such as updating version numbers, generating changelogs, and creating git tags. The tool's seamless approach significantly accelerates the workflow and reduces human error, making it a go-to solution for automating releases.

However, challenges arise when using semantic-release in a monorepo, where multiple packages reside in a single repository. This analysis explores the limitations of semantic-release within a monorepo structure, particularly one built with tools like Turborepo, and discusses why it may not be the best fit for managing releases in this context.


Using a monorepo can be a highly efficient way to manage multiple packages within a single codebase. Tools like Turborepo simplify the process, offering advanced build caching and dependency management. However, semantic-release presents several challenges when automating versioning and publishing in a monorepo environment due to its assumptions about repository structure. Below are some key limitations and issues that arise when trying to integrate semantic-release into a monorepo workflow.

One-to-One Relationship with the Repository

Semantic-release is fundamentally built on the premise that each repository contains only one package. In a monorepo where multiple packages exist, this can cause issues because semantic-release doesn’t differentiate between these packages by default.

For instance, in a Turborepo monorepo, each package may be treated as an independent unit, but semantic-release handles the entire repository as a single entity. This creates problems when trying to release multiple packages independently, as semantic-release lacks built-in support for package-scoped versioning and releases. Consequently, when one package requires a version bump or a release, semantic-release may attempt to manage the entire repository, leading to confusion, errors, and inefficiency.

Git Tag Conflicts

One of the significant limitations of semantic-release in monorepos is the handling of git tags. Semantic-release uses git tags to track versions, automatically generating tags for each release. However, in a monorepo with multiple packages, these tags can collide or override each other.

For example, in a monorepo managed by Turborepo, releasing package A may generate a tag such as v1.0.0. When package B is later released, it may overwrite the same tag, leading to confusion over which version corresponds to which package. This conflict makes it challenging to maintain a clear version history for individual packages within the monorepo.

This issue has been an ongoing challenge, as evidenced by the open issue #193, which has been under discussion since 2016 without a clear resolution. The inability to manage git tags independently for each package makes semantic-release a less-than-ideal tool for monorepos.

Independent Package Versioning and Dependency Management

In a monorepo structure, packages often have independent versioning and intricate dependencies. For example, package A might rely on package B, and any changes in package B should trigger a new version and release for both. However, semantic-release does not inherently support this workflow.

In a Turborepo monorepo, developers often want to release packages independently based on changes in each package. However, semantic-release treats the monorepo as a single entity. This leads to problems such as:

  • Changes in one package might inadvertently trigger releases for unrelated packages.
  • Dependency updates may not result in correct version bumps or releases for dependent packages.

The inability to handle complex inter-package dependencies and versioning independently in a monorepo limits the effectiveness of semantic-release in these workflows.

Integration with Build Caching

Turborepo is highly efficient at managing build processes through caching and selective rebuilding of packages that have changed. However, semantic-release does not integrate directly with Turborepo’s caching mechanisms.

While Turborepo can detect changes at the package level and trigger selective builds, semantic-release lacks this awareness. As a result, it may attempt to release packages that haven’t changed, leading to unnecessary version bumps and additional complexity in managing the release process.

Without direct integration, developers are forced to write custom scripts to align semantic-release with Turborepo’s build caching and change detection, which introduces additional overhead and complexity.

Customisation Requirements

Many developers attempt to circumvent these issues by creating custom workflows to make semantic-release work in a monorepo environment. Common workarounds include:

  • Configuring multiple instances of semantic-release for each package, each with its own configuration.
  • Creating custom scripts to manage git tags for individual packages.
  • Writing bespoke logic to handle independent versioning and dependency releases.

While these workarounds may mitigate some issues, they introduce significant complexity and manual intervention, which defeats the purpose of using an automated release tool like semantic-release. Moreover, these customisations often conflict with the streamlined approach that Turborepo provides, forcing developers to manage release logic manually.

Alternatives to Semantic Release in Monorepos

Given the limitations of semantic-release in monorepos, there are alternative tools that better support this use case. One such alternative is Changesets, a tool designed specifically to handle independent versioning and releases for monorepo environments. Changesets offers a more intuitive solution for managing multiple packages, generating changelogs, and publishing to npm without the same conflicts and limitations faced by semantic-release.


While semantic-release is an excellent tool for automating releases in repositories with a single package, it is not well-suited for monorepos containing multiple packages with independent versioning requirements. The challenges around git tag conflicts, lack of native multi-package support, and complex dependency management hinder its effectiveness in such environments.

Until semantic-release adds official support for monorepos, developers working with tools like Turborepo will need to explore alternatives such as Changesets or adopt custom workflows. The inherent complexity of managing monorepos makes it crucial to use the right tool that aligns with the architecture and goals of your project, rather than relying on workarounds that reduce automation and introduce unnecessary manual steps.



Vinayak Hegde

Dad, Husband, Son, Brother, Coder (mostly JavaScript and python), micro-blogger